Welcome ♥

Hello everyone~ Welcome to my page! This is the place where I share few things about me and what happens in my life. If you dont like it here, do me a favor, press alt + F4. That would be really helpful. Anyways, have a good day and keep on smiling ;)

BTW, thanks for spending a little of your time reading my posts :)

Update :\

Hi lads. How's life? Mine was fine, I think. I just cant wait to end my degree life tho I'm sure I'm gonna miss it but I'm literally suffering at the moment. Everything seemed so hard for me. I feel like I didnt get enough rest or I dont even have time to rest. I guess my body did rest but my brain, somehow it runs all the time. I overthink way too much. I always ask myself like what if I'm never gonna be good enough? In terms of everything. I wanna do my best for mom and dad. I dont want to let them down. Sometimes, I did overwork myself and I got tired aftermath but I know it'll be worth it. I know I needed rest but I'm not giving myself one. It's like I keep on pushing myself to do better than before. Ofc it's exhausting. I'm exhausted from trying to please everyone. Can I not do things that make me happy? Last Wednesday, I was walking around the corridor with a friend of mine and we found a room. At first I thought it was a classroom but if that's what it was, then it's a huge one. After exploring for a minute or two, we finally realize that it was a freaking art studio or lab. Everything in there amazes me. I was hypnotized by the creativity that each art students poured on their masterpieces. How can anyone be that creative, I thought to myself. Somehow, I wished I was an art student. I mean how fun would it be to just be in class, doing things you love, create something beyond your imagination. Art courses are far different than mine. Sometimes, I wonder if what I chose to major in was what I really wanted. If only I was as creative as those art students, I would probably be one of them. That was the only thing that made me feel better that week. I learned a lot from people around me. I can be quite hot-headed but I have a warm heart. I usually build walls around me so no one can figure me out fully. Maybe all I need is the right one to finally break these walls. I'm waiting for that person.