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Hello everyone~ Welcome to my page! This is the place where I share few things about me and what happens in my life. If you dont like it here, do me a favor, press alt + F4. That would be really helpful. Anyways, have a good day and keep on smiling ;)

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Graduating on time! ❤️

Assalamualaikum and Hello! How are you guys doing? Great? I'm quite elated tbh :) Guess what? I got my final exam result last night and Alhamdulillah, I managed to graduate on time! I'm so happy. I have to admit I couldnt really get enough sleep bcs I was worried sick about my result. Out of all semesters, my fifth which is also my last semester was pretty tough. I have so much on my mind and everything escalated pretty quick. I couldnt keep myself on track at that time and I'm kinda depressed tbh. I went through a lot and I thank few special people in my life who were there with me till the end. Sometimes, I do feel like I was going through all alone and it made me feel sad but I know I was never alone since I have Allah with me, always. Tbvh, the beginning of my fifth semester was never easy as I was going thru something I dont even want to remember. I was so down, I didnt know what to do back then. Thanks to some of my very close friends who keep advising me. Their wise words made me feel a lot better but my depression didnt stop there as I went through another hell afterward. It was something I dont feel like sharing nor do I want to remember. Let's just say I went through a lot during my last semester. It was never easy for me. I feel like things didnt go my way. At first, I feel like giving up. I was very disappointed with myself at that time. It's like why cant I prioritize myself at that time. That's what I've been constantly asking myself at that time. If I wasnt strong enough, I wouldnt be here today. But they say, after rain comes a rainbow. You know what? I somehow, do believe in this saying. I realize that no matter what happens, I should never ever give up on myself. When I sat for my finals, I thought to myself, every single day. "Will I be able to graduate on time?" "Will I be able to do well?" "What if things didnt turn out the way I want them to be?" So many questions yet there were no answers at that time. But the only thing I could do at that time was to do my very best in my finals. My carry marks were pretty low for most subjects which make me even sadder and I lost motivation at that time. Nobody was there to help me. I didnt tell anyone how I really felt. I kept everything to myself which makes it even harder. There are times where I isolate myself from everyone and cried so hard. These hard times made me wiser. They molded me to be stronger than I was before. I admit I have wasted time on something that was never worth my time even from the start. I was a fool to even hold on to these things. I realize my worth and decide the best for myself. It's not about being selfish, its about doing what's best for me. I thank everyone who were there for me when I needed them the most. I couldnt be more grateful for their existence in my life. My hard works were finally paid off. I'm glad I didnt give up on myself. I'm glad things turned out that way. I learnt so much from the past and I'm never making the same mistakes ever again. Anyways, this was a pretty damn long post so I'll end it here. What matters now is I passed all the subjects and will be graduating on time! :) I'm so happy with myself for staying strong through those hard times! It was really worth it! Alhamdulillah. I cant tell ya how thankful I am right now :) #roadtoconvo! stay safe, guys! xoxo