Welcome ♥

Hello everyone~ Welcome to my page! This is the place where I share few things about me and what happens in my life. If you dont like it here, do me a favor, press alt + F4. That would be really helpful. Anyways, have a good day and keep on smiling ;)

BTW, thanks for spending a little of your time reading my posts :)

last one

Hi there! How's life? Mine was okay, nothing much. I have already finished all classes for this semester so I'm currently enjoying (not really) my study week. So, four weeks more to go and I'm done with this place, hopefully. I'm actually quite scared for this final semester. You know that feeling where you might not be able to get through it. I hope I will, I just need to believe in myself. I admit I've been playing quite a lot this semester but I did make an effort, I just dont show it. Will I miss these people? Yes, ofc. My diploma friends, how could I forget them? Even though some of them were the pain in the ass but still, they are my classmates. Since I only have one class for my intake, its harder for me to leave everything behind. Knowing the fact that I wont be seeing their faces again after this sem ends, gets me teary. We all have been through a lot, from the first semester until now. Some of us rise and some also fall, but those who fell manage to rise again with the help of others. The bond that my classmates shared, might not be the best one but we always have each other's back when something comes up. I still remember during the first sem, we didnt really know each other back then and everyone seems to be in good terms, but as the time passes by, everyone started to show their true colors and believe when I say that not everyone matches our colors. The more you know people, the smaller your circle gets. That's life. I didnt really know what to feel. I feel empty. We may be separated after this sem ends but I do believe that someday, we will meet again. For the reunion, probably. I cant wait to see these people in 5 years ahead. I bet some will already be married to their soulmates. Me? I dont know what the future holds so I'll just go with the flow. Good things come to those who wait but ofc while waiting, do something worthy. I am honestly scared of the future. I hope everything turns out well, in shaa Allah. Anyways, I think Im having last semester syndrome. It is usually called as last paper syndrome but mine is more to the semester itself because I've been so lazy this semester. Probably bcs I cant wait to end everything. My dad told me to not overthink about it but still, I'm scared. That's it for now. Not really in the mood to post but I just want to keep you guys updated. Thanks for stopping by just to read this pointless blog of mine. Sayonara!